Honeychop Lite & Healthy horse feed is a non-heating, low sugar fibre feed that has been coated with linseed for improved palatability, health and condition. Blended with a mix of real herbs known for their natural antioxidant properties it can be fed to a wide range of horses, ponies or donkeys.
- Ideal for overweight horses or good doers
- Molasses free natural blend
- Low calorie easily digestible fibre
- Includes real herbs & cinnamon with natural antioxidants
Composition Oat Straw, Timothy Grass, Linseed & Rapeseed Oil 10%, Marigold, Herbs, Limestone & Cinnamon
Nutritional Information Fibre 22%, Protein 6.4%, Total Sugar 5.5%, Starch 0.4% & Digestible Energy 8.5 MJ/Kg